

By Andrew Bolt

Andrew Bolt - protecting the world from common senseSome people just won't let the War On Iraq die.

The Iraqis for instance. Al Qaeda. Michael Moore. And anti-War On Terror multimedia band New Horizons In Violence.

They're all in cahoots you know. Axis of Evil. We're Good (obviously - that's us pro-Australians and pro-Americans I'm talking about), they don't like us, therefore they must be on the side of Evil. Therefore: cahoots. Ipso factoid.

It's worrying enough that anyone listened to these mad New Horizons people in the first place. But 60,000 people downloading their film clip in a fortnight? It's enough to make me want to drown puppies.

From what I hear, they gallivant about wearing masks (of Our President George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein, believe it or not) and playing these crazy modern-day instruments with far too many strings. They also like to cut up words orated by Our President into "songs" that "cleverly" mock what he's doing.

Why they aren't yet in jail beggars belief. Not only do they hate the institutions that Western Civilisation is based upon, they actively support suicide bombers and terrorists. I know, because they obviously do. Remember? September 11? Evil? Remember?

And as for this new CD, "I Need War!" well all I can say is a greater disgrace I've never seen. They've crudely pasted the heads of Our President, Our Prime Minister, and assorted other Lordly Americans on to those foul pictures of those disgusting rotten apples that're spoiling the whole barrel of our spotless military. I'm talking Abu Ghraib here, people! What are they trying to suggest? That good old Rummy is somehow responsible for sadistic torture? These terrorist sympathisers ought to be gagged and have their genitals ridiculed for defiling Bush and Howard like that! That'd learn them!

And as for the music, the less said the better. When over 100,000 people have been found downloading one of these vile video clips it shows what a sick state our society has degenerated to. And you know who's to blame?

The Democrats. And the Australian Labor Party. Anyone who would vote for them is a traitor and will hopefully soon be classified as a terrorist.

Patriotic regards,
Rupert Murdoch.

Sorry, I mean Andrew Bolt.

Ask the Neo-Cons!